Panda and Springbok 熊猫和小跳羚 52eps*12min
Panda and Springbok is another quality work brought by CCTV Animation Group from its “Panda” Series Coproduction. It is an innovative attempt in the animation field between China and South Africa. Through modern fairytale narrative, the series features charming characters, plots full of children’s imagination and innocence, vivid visual images and shows the cultural diversities and emotional communications that constantly happen during the course of friends from different countries getting to know and understanding each other which eventually promotes the mutual understanding and cultural exchange among the children from both countries. The wonder discovery exchange program between China and South Africa – “Wonder Discovery Camp” is organized to train children’s “eyes” to look for wonders in the life. Springbok Ada goes to Sichuan, China with her friends because she is very curious about China. And there, she meets Panda Ho-Ho who is equally curious about South Africa. In the “Wonder Discovery Camp”, they become good friends and complete a travel of wonders through experiencing studying and living styles of both China and South Africa.
《熊猫和小跳羚》是央视动漫集团重点推出的“熊猫”系列国际合拍片的又一力作。该片是中南两国在动画领域的一次创新尝试,采用现代童话叙事模式,通过充满魅力的角色、极具童真与想象力的情节、形象生动的画面,展现来自不同国度的伙伴在相识相知过程中不断碰撞的文化差异、不断加深的情感交融,增进两国小朋友的相互了解,促进文化交流。 中国和南非的奇趣交流活动——“奇趣训练营”,目的是为了训练孩子们的“眼睛”,去发现生活中的奇妙之处。对中国充满好奇的小跳羚艾达和她的小伙伴们前往中国四川,在这里遇到了对南非充满了兴趣的熊猫和和。通过“奇趣训练营”,大家成为了好朋友,体验中国和南非不同的生活和学习方式,完成了一场中国和南非的奇趣之旅。
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