Panda and Rooster 熊猫和卢塔 52eps*12min
Panda and Rooster is a large scale animated series, co-produced by CCTV Animation Group and its Portugal partner to celebrate the 40th anniversary of establishment of China-Portugal diplomatic relations, and the 20th anniversary of Macau’s return to China. Through absorption of the cultural essences and incorporation of unique cultural elements from both China and Portugal, this series inherits and carries forward the profound cultural connotations of the two nations, aiming to promote the friendship between the two peoples, especially the children, and enhance the communication as well as cooperation in the field of culture and children’s education. The series tells the story of Panda Ho-Ho renovating his treehouse to accommodate friends coming from everywhere. Rooster from Portugal visits China in order to make his grandfather’s wish come true. Ho-Ho is very hospitable towards Rooster and takes exceptional care of him, making Rooster feel like home in China though he has travelled thousands of miles away from his own. In Ho-Ho’s treehouse, Rooster discovers clues regarding his grandfather’s previous visit here. Rooster decides to stay there, not only because he wants to continue his exploration, but also because of Ho-Ho’s warm hospitality. The two friends team up to search for the “precious thing” left by Rooster’s grandfather, while helping the animals staying at the treehouse to solve various problems.
《熊猫和卢塔》是央视动漫集团和葡萄牙合作方在中葡建交40周年、澳门回归20周年之际联合制作的大型动画系列片。本片吸收中葡两国文化精粹,融入了两国特有的文化元素,继承与弘扬双方深厚的文化底蕴与内涵,促进两国人民尤其是少年儿童之间的友谊,增强双方在文化和儿童教育领域的沟通与合作。 本片讲述了熊猫和和将树屋改造得舒适温馨,招待四方来客的故事。来自葡萄牙的公鸡卢塔为了实现爷爷的愿望,一路来到中国。和和对卢塔十分热情,照顾周到,这让一路跋山涉水走到中国的卢塔感受到久违的家的感觉。卢塔在树屋发现了爷爷曾经到访这里的线索。因为要继续探寻,也因为和和的热情好客,卢塔留了下来,两个小伙伴一边寻找卢塔爷爷“最珍贵的东西”,一边帮助来往借宿的小动物们解决各式各样的问题。
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