New Happy Dad and Son 4: Perfect Dad 新大头儿子和小头爸爸4完美爸爸 85min
New Happy Dad and Son 4: Perfect Dad is a theatrical animated feature film presented by CCTV Animation Group. Since its premiere in 1995, the "Datou +" franchise, a well-known classic IP in China, has had almost ten seasons of TV animated series and has successfully released four animated feature films, all of which have gained good market effect and public praise. This film continues the warm and humorous parent-child story, shows artificial intelligence technology from the perspective of children, and presents a visual feast full of marvelous fantasies for the audience with splendid adventures in the digital world. The film tells the story of Datou the big head son accidentally entering a virtual world and experiencing all kinds of cool and fantastic experiences with the "Perfect Dad" evolved from artificial intelligence. The "Perfect Dad" gradually obtains human emotions during his time spent with Datou, and wants to trap Datou in the virtual world forever. To get his son back, Xiaotou the small head dad comes to the virtual world together with Apron Mom, Datou’s good friend Marshmallow, and their pet hen A-hua. They compete with Perfect Dad with wits and courage. Eventually, the family returns to the real world together. By shaping the two characters -“Perfect Dad who can meet all children’s wishes” and Xiaotou who is not perfect in reality, the film guides children to treat and understand their parents’ love in a proper way.
《新大头儿子和小头爸爸4完美爸爸》是一部由央视动漫集团出品的动画院线电影。作为在中国家喻户晓的经典IP,“大头”系列自1995年首次播出以来,已有近十季电视动画系列片,并成功推出了四部动画电影,都收获了良好的市场效应和口碑好评。本片延续温馨幽默的亲子故事,从孩子的视角展现人工智能科技,用数字虚拟世界中精彩炫酷的冒险,为观众呈现一场充满奇妙幻想的视觉盛宴。 该片讲述了大头儿子意外进入虚拟世界,和人工智能进化出的“完美爸爸”经历了各种炫酷的奇幻体验。“完美爸爸”和大头儿子的相处过程中,逐渐产生了人类的情感,便想永远把大头儿子困在虚拟世界。为营救大头儿子,小头爸爸、围裙妈妈、大头儿子的好友棉花糖和宠物鸡阿花都来到虚拟世界,与完美爸爸斗智斗勇,终于一起回到了现实世界。通过塑造“能满足孩子所有愿望的完美爸爸”和现实中并不完美的小头爸爸,引导孩子正确对待和理解父母的爱。
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