Pan Gu Separated Heaven and Earth 盘古开天 26*13
The TV animated cartoon series is originated from the myth Pan Gu Separated Heaven and Earth. By adopting the form of contemporary cartoon and animation, it combines two versions of the myth with imagination and conflicted dramatic techniques with local folk tales. Folk customs and cultural landscape model such as leigu Mountain stone carvings, water reverse flow, Butterfly Fountain in Baiyun Mountain, Heishan valley, Tongshan lake, Nine Dragons of Pangu Mountain, ancient boats, stone packages, stone carving lions, and stone wells, etc. are included in the story to create a magnificent fairy tale with Chinese characteristics. It describes the development course of Pangu, praises his great contributions and achievements and the spirit of his dedication. The deeds of Pangu demonstrate that he is a great hero as a descendant of the Chinese nation. In addition, it also illustrates the co-existence of causes and effects and the philosophical concept of protecting the living present for a better future. It emphasizes that it is crucial for us human beings to protecting the environment. As a result, we ought to do our bit to protect the earth, the environment as well as our glorious civilization.
本剧以神话“盘古开天”为原型基础,结合现代动漫表现形式,用更加丰富的想象力,巧妙地把两个版本的盘古创世说相结合,又把充满矛盾冲突和正邪对抗的戏剧编剧手法和极具民间风物、地方特色的原型民间故事、原型人文景观如擂鼓山石刻、泌水倒流、白云山蝴蝶泉、猴山黑山沟、铜山湖,盘古山九龙拱卫、盘古大磨、古船、石箱、石狮、石井以及具有浓郁地方特色的滚磨成亲、捏泥造人、三场私雨、三月三庙会、“回来了”等民俗传统和口头文化等诸多元素巧妙地融入其中,打造了一部充满民族风情、中国风格的瑰丽神话。描写了一个顶天立地的少年成长历程,讴歌了盘古开天辟地的伟大业绩、 鞠躬尽瘁的奉献精神,表现了龙的传人大无畏的英雄气概和不屈不挠的顽强精神。同时,也巧妙地借助故事,阐述了因果共生的宇宙观念,体现保护当下就是保护未来的哲学理念,强调了保护环境就是保护我们自己的紧迫性和重要性,唤醒人们行动起来,为了我们赖以生存的地球,携手保护和谐环境,共同守护璀璨文明。
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