Legend of the Silk Road: Zhang Qian the Envoy 丝路传奇特使张骞 52ep*22min
Legend of the Silk Road: Zhang Qian the Envoy is a 52-episode “Belt and Road” themed animated series. It is based on the historical events in the Western Han Dynasty about Zhang Qian's diplomatic trips to the Western Regions and first opening-up the Silk Road. Holding a rigorous attitude to the history, CCTV Animation Group assembles quality resources to meticulously produce the series. By telling the story of the ancient land Silk Road, the series teaches contemporary children to overcome difficulties, forge ahead, cherish friendship and care for the world. It opens a new horizon for the audience to understand history through the differences among and integration of different cultures. The series tells the story of Zhang Lu, a college student of the history department, and his cousin Xiaoqi, accidentally travelling through time and space to revisit the Silk Road. They follow Zhang Qian and his entourage Tang Yifu to see and record the local conditions and customs, products and landform, economies and politics, etc. of different countries all the way in the Western Regions, and learn about the moving stories of friendly exchanges and mutual benefits and reciprocity among the peoples of various countries along the Silk Road.
《丝路传奇特使张骞》是央视动漫集团以西汉张骞出使西域各国,首开丝绸之路的历史事件为素材,在尊重历史的前提下,集中优势资源力量,精心创作的52集“一带一路”主题动画片。该片通过讲述古代陆上丝绸之路的故事,教育当代少年儿童攻坚克难、开拓进取、珍视友谊、胸怀天下。并通过不同文化之间的差异与融合,为观众打开了了解历史的全新视野。 该片讲述历史系大学生张璐和表弟小奇在因缘际会下,穿越时空重走丝绸之路,跟随张骞及其随从堂邑父一路见识并记录了各国的风土人情、物产地貌、经济政治等文化,并见证了古代西域美丽的风光、奇异的风土人情、丰富的物产,了解了丝路沿途各国人民友好往来、互利互惠的动人故事。
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