A Tale of The Orient (2D + 3D) 天眼传奇 1 x 85 min
Magic Eye is born with a "wisdom" eye and is gifted with unmatched strength and talent. He is full of curiosity about the world. His father encourages him to set out on a journey to discover life. As he ventures off, Magic Eye stumbles into a fantasy world that is full or wonder but where war also rages. He steps forward bravely to help the people of this world resolve their conflict and restore peace. Through his encounters, he discovers the mysteries of martial arts and learns many life lessons from it. It becomes a journey of a boy to a man.
《天眼传奇》是由上古奇书《山海经》改编,浙江中南卡通股份有限公司出品,台湾漫画大师蔡志忠执笔并担任总导演的一部动画电影,于2015年10月1日上映。 讲述了少年“天眼”在前往昆仑山取得宝剑途中,一路上的冒险故事。 2017年11月,荣获第12届加拿大中国电影节最佳原创音乐奖。
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