Wool Wool Town Season 3 毛毛镇第三季
The storie revolves around Finn the fox, Jo the zebra,Ella the elephant and Kevin the baby crocodile living in the Wool Wool Town. The world they live in is often disturbed by Dido (rubbish from the human world). The Wool Wool Town buddies could always manage to transform these objects into playful toys and useful tools. They try to make their world better, and also gain growth and friendship.
故事围绕着生活在毛毛镇的狐狸尖尖、斑马条条、瞌睡象和小鳄鱼展开。 他们生存的世界经常被外来的叮咚(来自人类世界的垃圾)打扰。 毛毛镇的小伙伴们设法将这些外来物品改造成好玩的玩具和有用的工具。 小伙伴们努力让他们的世界更美好,同时也收获着成长和友谊的快乐。
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