Tacit Blue 沉默之蓝
After a devastating natural disaster, hundreds of thousands of humans migrated to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Thus begins the Asteroid Belt Era. In the year 32 of the New Era, Cole, once an excellent LEAB's field agent, insists on revenge after his daughter Ling was murdered, and his pursuit of clues eventually led to the death of his former friend, Chen Xingchen. Remorseful, Cole lives a drunken life until he discovers that there is more to the story than meets the eye.Driven by the desire for revenge and exploration, Cole gradually approaches the mastermind behind the crime and the deeper conspiracy.
天灾后,数十万人类逃离地球并移居到在火星和木星之间的小行星带。小行星带纪元由此开始。 新纪元32年,曾是一位优秀的联合执法部外勤的柯尔,在女儿阿伶被杀害后执意复仇并追寻线索,并最终导致了昔日好友陈星尘之死。悔恨不已的柯尔沉迷醉乡,直到发现事情的真相并不那么简单。在复仇和探究的欲望驱动下,柯尔逐渐接近了幕后黑手和更深的阴谋。
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