Space Gemini 航天双子星 26*8min
"Space Gemini" is a children's science fiction unit play with one soul and two bodies, Go beyond the imagination of space and visualize children's beautiful fantasies about the universe with aerospace stories. Tell the wonderful story of children exploring the universe in the future. Our story revolves around an ordinary Aerospace family in China. Tell about the cosmic exploration of "Daewoo and Xiaoxiao", their family relationship with their parents, and their friendship with other "little astronauts". 2125 years later, mankind has entered the great space age. In this era, the moon has become a transportation hub, Mars has urban settlements, the asteroid belt is full of mining factories, and even the farthest Pluto has a scientific research outpost. Through "reality synchronization, quantum communication, aerospace machinery" technology. Let children wirelessly control the "quantum sense" in the universe, so that they can safely enter and exit the universe to explore and experience without leaving home.
《航天双子星》一部儿童科幻题材单元剧,一个灵魂,两个身体, 超越空间的想象,把孩子们对于宇宙的美好幻想用航天故事具像化。讲述未来孩子们探索宇宙的精彩故事。 我们故事,围绕着中国一个普通航天家庭展开。讲述大宇和小晓”的宇宙探索,讲述他们与父母之间的亲情,讲述他们与其他“小航天员”的友谊。 2125年之后,人类进入了大航天时代。 在这个时代里,月球成为交通枢纽,火星有了城市聚落,小行星带遍布采矿工厂,就连最远的冥王星也有了科考前哨站。 通过“现实同步,量子通信,航天机械”技术。让孩子们无线操控宇宙中的“量子义体”,这样他们就可以足不出户,安全的进出宇宙探索与体验。
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