Boonie Cubs 熊熊乐园 Season 1-3: 52×13’ Season 4: 26×13’
Join young Briar, Bramble, Vick and friends at scenic Pine Tree Kindergarten where you can learn everything from the value of friendship, to the complexities of science, to the wonder of nature and all that's in between. Every 13-minute episode encourages independence and growth through play and exploration. An array of adorable characters promote skills such as problem solving, collaboration, creativity and resilience in this vibrant animation as they overcome challenges, face their fears and discover just how magical the world is. Boonie Cubs is a well-loved spin off from the popular Boonie Bears series, featuring young versions of many popular characters and some brand new faces too. Each season is an exciting journey for our little friends.
童年时期的熊大、熊二和光头强相遇,互相追逐,小光头强跟着熊大和熊二来到一个新的世界——大树幼儿园。大树幼儿园里是小动物们的幼儿园,大家发现了闯进来的人类光头强,非常好奇。光头强见到这么多会说话的小动物们很开心,拿出了自己的小汽车要和小动物们一起玩。从没见过小汽车的小动物们把光头强团团围住,只有熊大很不开心,因为以前大家都围着他转!熊大心中排斥光头强,但是又对光头强充满好奇。在猫头鹰老师的 开导下,熊大接受了新朋友,并一起愉快的玩耍、学习。每个角色都有自己的特点,他们从幼儿园玩乐中学会知识和如何管理玩具,相处中学会友好交往和如何处理情感,游戏中学会思考,摩擦中学会解决问题和面对挫折。
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